
lundi 1 mars 2010

Your lips came as some suprise

. .
"...The moment has come to face the truth, I'm wide awake, and so are you. Do you have a clue what this is? Are you everything that I miss? We'll just have to wait and see if things go right, we're meant to be. The surface is gone, we scratched it off. ..."
"...Oh, what a world this life would be! Forget all your technicolour dreams, forget modern nature, this is how it's meant to be. ..."

1 commentaire:

stealthisnick a dit…

I think I understood why I didn't like that much your favourite movie

I have the predisposition of falling in love totally and hopelessly with girls that won't fall in love with me

"You want weapons ? We're in a library. Books ! The best weapon in the world !"

Doctor Who.