
jeudi 12 novembre 2009

Find me in a bitter sweet hello

I'd like to see you, But really I should stay away And let you settle down. I've got no claims to your crown.
Sometimes you gotta click your heels and fly. Oh, Sometimes you got to know that it's best to let go.

lundi 9 novembre 2009

Plans de bataille


*Ca n'est CLAIREMENT pas mon jour*:
Une tasse de thé, un monticule de cookies, Audrey Hepburn/Fred Astaire, The Divine Comedy, Agatha Chistie/Jane Austen, recroquevillée dans un plaid
*C'est l'éclate totale, j'exulte, je rayonne*:
Un verre d'eau de Spa, the Monty Python, Belle & Sebastian/ELO, Saki/P.G. Wodehouse, danse/jump' frénétique dans l'appart'
Un verre de jus d'orange, Scrubs/How I met your mother, The Kings of Convenience, Woody Allen (nouvelles), bain moussant
Une tasse de thé, James Ivory, Imogen Heap, F.S. Fitzgerald, assise sur le rebord de la fenêtre
*On touche le fond. Et on continue de creuser*
Une tasse de thé, Atonement, Noah & The Whale/David Gray, Molly Keane, Yeats, roulée en boule dans la couette
*Au petit matin*
Une tasse d'earl Grey et son nuage de lait, toasts beurrés, Dr Who/The Sarah Jane's Adventures, Keane/God Help the Girl, Muze, récital dans la douche
*J'suis une fille et j'assume*
Un verre de grenadine, un duetto Liégeois saveur vanille Weight Watcher's, Desperate Housewifes/Sex & the City, The Pipettes/Blondie, Cosmo/Glamour, vernissage des ongles

mercredi 4 novembre 2009

If you gotta run, run from hope

. .
-Dick Avery:
You are mad, aren't you?
-Jo Stockton:
No, I'm not mad. I'm hurt, and disappointed, and... and mad.

mardi 3 novembre 2009

We are the diplomats, talks are breaking down

"...You take the pieces of the dreams that you had,
Cos you don't like the way they seem to be going. You cut them up and spread them out on the floor; You're full of hope as you begin rearranging. Put it all back together, But in the final reckoning, Looks like the lovers are losing..."
"You want weapons ? We're in a library. Books ! The best weapon in the world !"

Doctor Who.