
mardi 30 mars 2010

April: Wait and see

Parce que, mine de rien, y'a du bon gros dossier en voie d'arrivage. Jugez plutôt:
The 11th.
New Doc, new partner, new Tardis. Autant dire qu'en cette soirée bénie du samedi 3 avril, je ne serai pas ailleurs que vissée à mon canapé, prète à célébrer l'évènement avec un paquet de cookies gros comme l'Arizona et une quantité assez phénoménale d'enthousiasme ému. Je DECOMPTE littéralement les jours depuis des semaines, bon sang de bois!
Neily-baby, enfin, le come back.
S'il y en a bien un qui m'a manqué, puissance 43 milliards 1/2, c'est ce charmant blondinet, haut comme trois pommes (mais quelle pommes, mes amis! Hum.) . Le mois de mai promet (qui plus est, ça rime! Ha!), mais avril ne sera pas en reste avec, semblerait-il, le clip du premier single de l'album à venir. Suspense, suspense.

Glee und The Tudors

Bon, à priori, deux séries qui n'ont pas grand grand chose en commun. Disons que la sympathique guimauve de l'une contre-balance la rudesse de l'autre. Reprises respectivement le 13 et 11 avril.


En bref: Vi-ve-ment, encore et toujours.

Sur ce, je retourne trimer. Yeay. (Comment ça, "bientôt les vacances"? QUELLES vacances?)


vendredi 26 mars 2010

If you like-a me like-a like-a you, then we like-a both the same

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"Honey, lovin' you is the greatest thing, I get to be myself and I get to sing. I get to play at being irresponsible, I come home late and love your soul. ..."

dimanche 21 mars 2010

The First Days of Spring

.. .
YAHAHAAAAA, c'est le printemps!!!
A nous les promenades à vélo, le bouquinage au grand air, les glaces au chocolat, les robes à fleurs, les terrasses, les ballades en forêt, les thés glacés, les ballerines, les pique-niques, les bains de soleil au parc, les tutti quanti.
Ca promet.
*Sourire béat*

mercredi 17 mars 2010

HAPPY PATRICK'S DAY, les poteaux!

mercredi 10 mars 2010

Un miracle par semaine, on tient le rythme.

NEW ALBUM! "Bang Goes The Knighthood"
Released May 31st on Divine Comedy Records
We at DCHQ are delighted and somewhat awed to announce the forthcoming release of The Divine Comedy's tenth studio album "Bang Goes The Knighthood."
Written and produced by Neil Hannon, "Bang Goes The Knighthood" was recorded in Dublin and London during 2009.The album will be released by Neil's own label Divine Comedy Records, and will be available on CD, limited Deluxe CD, limited edition vinyl and via digital download.
The tracklisting is:
1. Down In The Street Below
2. The Complete Banker
3. Neapolitan Girl
4. Bang Goes The Knighthood
5. At The Indie Disco
6. Have You Ever Been In Love
7. Assume the Perpendicular
8. The Lost Art of Conversation
9. Island Life
10. When A Man Cries
11. Can You Stand Upon One Leg
12. I Like

mercredi 3 mars 2010

"...You used to be so amused at Napoleon in rags, and the language that he used. Go to him now, he calls you, you can’t refuse. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. You’re invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.
How does it feel, how does it feel to be on your own with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone? ..."

lundi 1 mars 2010

Your lips came as some suprise

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"...The moment has come to face the truth, I'm wide awake, and so are you. Do you have a clue what this is? Are you everything that I miss? We'll just have to wait and see if things go right, we're meant to be. The surface is gone, we scratched it off. ..."
"...Oh, what a world this life would be! Forget all your technicolour dreams, forget modern nature, this is how it's meant to be. ..."
"You want weapons ? We're in a library. Books ! The best weapon in the world !"

Doctor Who.